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Adoption Application
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Staff Entrance

TSR is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization and relies on your donations. If you would like to make a tax-deductible contribution (and thank you for that!), there are two ways you can.

Either click on the PayPal logo below...

...or by mail. Please make checks payable to "TSR" and send to the following address:

P.O. Box 426
Youngsville, NC 27596

Again, thank you for your help!

Volunteer Form

Thank you for volunteering! We look forward to your helping us with find our Shelties their forever homes.

Please complete the following information in detail. If you have problems or questions with the form, please email us and we will follow up with you.

Please note: You must be at least 18 years of age to volunteer at Triangle Sheltie Rescue.

First name
Last name
Street address
Address (cont.)
Zip/Postal code
Work Phone
Home Phone

Own or rent your home?
Does your home have a fenced yard?
Have you ever owned a dog before?
Is anyone in your family
allergic to pets?
Do you own other pets?
Are your pets spayed
and neutered?
Do you know about dog training?
Would you be willing to have
a Sheltie Rescue member visit
your home?

Please specify which tasks you are willing to perform:
Respond to calls from pounds and identify if a dog is a Sheltie.
Search newspapers and Internet for Shelties for adoption.
Bail Shelties from pounds and hold until rescue can make arrangements for foster care
Transport dogs to foster homes or vet.
Groom and bathe rescued Shelties.
Foster Shelties for extended time periods.
Interview potential adopters and perform home checks.
Post information about Sheltie Rescue at local vets or on the Internet.
Contribute Equipment, such as crates.
Identify or participate in fundraising events.
Provide a specialized skill, such as bookeeping or legal services.

Tell us about any experiences you have had raising dogs.

It may take several seconds to process you application. Please be patient and do not press the Submit button more than once. Thank you for your interest in a Sheltie Rescue!


Financial information about this organization and a copy of its license are
available from the State Solicitation Licensing Branch at 919-807-2214.
The license is not an endorsement by the State.

Disclaimer | Privacy Statement | About This Site
Triangle Sheltie Rescue is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization
© 2025 Triangle Sheltie Rescue of North Carolina, Inc.
P.O. Box 426, Youngsville, NC 27596